Winter Sports
MRHS Winter Sports 2023-2024
High school winter sports are around the corner. Practices and tryouts begin on Monday, November 27. Our mandatory High School Meet The Winter Coaches Night Preseason Meeting is Monday, November 13, at 6:00pm in the gym. All players and their parents/caretakers must attend this meeting.
In order to be eligible to participate on day one of tryouts/practices all student-athletes must:
1. Register on Arbiter Registration formerly Family ID
2. Have an updated physical into the school nurse or our Athletic Trainer Taylor Murray
3. Have an up to date ImPACT Test with Taylor Murray
4. Complete the free online Concussion in Sports course at and submit the certificate to Taylor Murray
5. Complete the free online Implicit Bias course at and submit the certificate to Taylor Murray
6. Submit the pre-participation head injury form to Taylor Murray
If you have any questions regarding any of these things please reach out to Taylor Murray.